Stress Cardiomyopathy

Case 186: Myocardial Fibroblast Activation Imaging
FAP uptake in the myocardium is always abnormal and should be reported and then worked up for ischemic or non-ischemic etiologies of fibrosis, if the patient is not a known case of cardiac disease.

VHD Series: Tricuspid Valve

VHD Series: Pulmonary valve

VHD Series: Stenotic lesions

Case 182: Double or Triple Trouble
It is important to know how to pick up subclinical rheumatic mitral valve disease and how to characterize further a bicuspid aortic valve.

VHD Series: Aortic regurgitation

VHD Series: Secondary MR

VHD Series: Mitral valve prolapse

VHD Series: Mitral Regurgitation

Case 177: Fish-Mouth and Hockey-Stick
It is important to know the MRI findings of RHD and RHD MS, especially if you practice in India