Case 186: Myocardial Fibroblast Activation Imaging
FAP uptake in the myocardium is always abnormal and should be reported and then worked up for ischemic or non-ischemic etiologies of fibrosis, if the patient is not a known case of cardiac disease.

59-years old with mucinous adenocarcinoma of colon came for a FAPI-PET/CT. Abnormal uptake was seen in the myocardium.

The video below explains the case, the concept of FAP uptake in the myocardium, what it means and what the future holds for FAPI-PET in the myocardium.
Previous Case
VHD Series: Tricuspid Valve
Case based learning of Cardiac MRI

Case 182: Double or Triple Trouble
It is important to know how to pick up subclinical rheumatic mitral valve disease and how to characterize further a bicuspid aortic valve.

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