
Looking at the Heart On Every Cross-Sectional Thoracic Study
It is not just cardiac MRI and cardiac CT that give us clues to a cardiac pathology. We should look at the heart on any cross-sectional thoracic study.
CMR in valvular heart disease
Though echocardiography is first line investigation in assessment of valvular heart disease, It has limitations due to poor acoustic window, eccentric jets, multivalvular disease. CMR has advantage for providing multiple direct and indirect methods of assessment using stroke volume, aorta and PA flow. This post describes diagnostic algorithm in assessment
Ebstein's anomaly
Burnt out HCM

An Unusual Double-Chambered Left Ventricle
An unusual cause of a double-chambered left ventricle
Apical aneurysm with HCM
Endomyocardial fibrosis
Cardiac Transplant: CMR work up

Multimodality Imaging of an LV Aneurysm
A complex long-standing, slow growing LV aneurysm
Getting Started
CMR image quality & artifacts
Getting Started
CMR scanning with Devices
Getting Started
CMR scanning in arrhythmia
Getting Started
Improving CMR image quality-Part 1

Ischaemic HD
Intramyocardial Hemorrhage in Acute Infarction
Intramyocardial hemorrhage in acute infarction implies poorer prognosis.